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1.1 – Team names
Team names will not be changed after registrations are closed and the draw is published.

1.2. – Names – Team names, Player aliases
A team or player’s name, icon, profile picture or logo may not contain any of the following:
– profanities,
– obscene or vulgar language,
– racist, anti-Semitic or inciting hatred
– gang affiliation,
– drugs,
– sexual material,
– offensive material,
– slander of InGame Esports or it’s administration, partners or sponsors.
Using alternative spelling, gibberish or wrong spelling in order to avoid the requirements mentioned above is forbidden. Players or teams will not be allowed to take part.

1.3. –  Account Sharing
Account sharing in online tournaments across all games is strictly prohibited. All participants need have their own accounts for online tournaments. If found, this will lead to the disqualification of the team and the banning of the offending player/s in future tournaments as well.

1.4. – Banned Players and Publisher Bans
1.4.1 – Any player banned from InGame Esports will not be allowed to take part in any tournaments, during the period of the ban.
1.4.2 – This extends to both online and offline tournaments.
1.4.3 – A link to a complete list of players currently banned from InGame Esports tournaments can be found at
1.4.4 – Any players who have standing bans from the game publisher (eg: VAC ban on Steam) will not be allowed to take part.
1.4.5 – All game publisher bans will be honored and translated into IGE bans upon discovery.

1.5. – Restricted Sponsor List
The following is a non-exhaustive list of restricted sponsors:
– non-“over-the-counter” drugs
– firearms, handguns, ammunition providers
– pornographic imagery or products
– tobacco products
– alcohol products

1.6. – Multi-clanning or multi-team participation
No player is allowed to be a part of multiple teams or gaming clans within the same tournament. If a participant is found to be multi-clanning or in multiple teams within the same tournament, the player will be banned for a minimum period of one year. In the case of teams, all teams the player was a part of will be disqualified.

1.7. – Additional player details
Upon request by IGE Referees or administration, players will be required to send information including but not limited to full name, contact details (mobile phone, land phone, email address), date of birth, residential address and photo.

1.8. – Player accounts
1.8.1 – Players can only use the accounts they have registered with for the respective tournament.
1.8.2 – Playing under another player’s account, or soliciting or inducing someone else to play under another player’s account, is prohibited.
1.8.3 – During online tournaments, players cannot change their account details submitted after they have played their first match.


The tournament bracket used (single elimination/double elimination/group stage) will be decided and announced on the relevant Bracket page on each tournament on The Organizers will make every effort to have a Best of 3 semifinals and finals but depending on time constraints this may change at the discretion of the Organizers.


All teams and players are required to join the INGAME ESPORTS Discord server to stay up-to-date with the latest information regarding the game.


4.1 – Player Commitment
4.1.1. – By submitting a registration for an IGE tournament, all teams and players acknowledge without limitation to comply with the rules set herein and especially with the decisions made by IGE Staff.
4.1.2. – All competitors are expected to know and understand all the rules described here. Not knowing that a rule existed or that it was in place will not be considered as an acceptable reason for breaking said rule.

4.2. – PR, Media Obligations & Publicity
Competitors accept to participate in any media obligations & publicity as requested by IGE in the form of video interviews, photo submissions, etc. Players cannot deny to attend these commitments and may be disqualified or receive a penalty on any prizes if they do so.

4.3. – Indecent Behaviour
4.3.1. – Swearing or any kind of hostility, racist or any sort of abuse verbal or physical towards another player is strictly prohibited. This includes chat messages in-game, verbal exchanges on Discord, etc.
4.3.2. – Insults on IRC, IM programs, Social Media, E-mail or other means of communication will be punished if the evidence is clear and is brought to the attention of the Tournament Staff. Particularly severe abuse cases with radical statements or the threat of physical violence can result in significantly heavier penalties including the disqualification of the player or team from the tournament and/or future tournaments as well.

4.4. – Sportsmanship
All participants are required to uphold the highest standards of fair play and sportsmanship.

4.5. – Compete in a Professional Manner
Players are expected to compete in a professional manner. Throwing a match, halting play without cause or showing a flagrant lack of effort will be construed as a violation of player conduct, and will be penalized appropriately.

4.6. – Betting or Gambling
4.6.1. – IGE has a strict policy of any form of gambling being prohibited on its matches and tournaments.
4.6.2. – Any detection of the same will lead to severe penalties being imposed on the offenders. This includes match fixing and related offences as well.
4.6.3. – No players, team managers, staff or management of attending clans/organisations may be involved in betting or gambling, associate with betters or gamblers, or provide anyone any information that may assist betting or gambling, either directly or indirectly, for any match in an IGE tournament.
4.6.4. – Any player found to be in breach of this rule will face severe penalties including lifetime bans from all IGE Tournaments. Team official, staff, management will similarly face the maximum penalties that can be issued.

4.7. – Match Fixing
Match fixing is defined as the act of arranging the outcome of a match prior to its being played. Match fixing is strictly prohibited and all individuals involved will face severe penalties including lifetime bans from all IGE Tournaments.

4.8. – Cheating Of Any Kind
Any player/team found to be cheating including but not limited to in-game cheats, faking match results, faking match demos, faking or ringing a player, playing with a disallowed player, impersonating a player/clan/organisation, will face severe penalties including lifetime bans from all IGE Tournaments.

4.9. – Competition Manipulation
4.9.1. – Offering money/benefits, making threats or exerting pressure towards anyone involved with IGE, its partners or sponsors with the goal of influencing a result of a match is considered competition manipulation.
4.9.2. – Any player found to be in breach of this rule will face severe penalties including lifetime bans from all IGE Tournaments. Team official, staff, management will similarly face the maximum penalties that can be issued.

4.10. – Impersonation
Impersonating any player, staff member, referee, sponsor or partner in a tournament/event will result in severe penalties including bans.


5.1. – Team Size
5.1.1. – A Team has to consist of at least FIVE players.
5.1.2. – Upto TWO substitute players can also be registered for each team.
5.1.3. – Each player can be registered and can subsequently play for only one team during a tournament.

5.2. – Substitutions
5.2.1. – The substitute player/s must be registered with the team prior to the tournament starting.
5.2.2. – Use of a substitute player must be informed to the IGE Staff well before the start of the scheduled match.
5.2.3. – The use of non-registered, suspended, or otherwise ineligible players in a match is not allowed under any circumstances.
5.2.4. – Doing so will result in a suspension or extended suspension of the individual in question, suspension of relevant team management, and may result in match overturn.
5.2.5. – Substitution can only happen BEFORE the match/map starts OR only AFTER a match/map ends. Players cannot be substituted in the middle of a match/map.
5.2.6. – In a best of 1 game series, a substitution can be made before the game starts only.
5.2.7. – In a best of 3 game series, a substitution can be made before the first game starts OR after the first game ends and before second game starts OR after the second game ends and before third game starts.
5.2.8. – In a best of 5 game series, a substitution can be made before the first game starts OR after the first game ends and before second game starts OR after the second game ends and before third game starts OR after the third game ends and before fourth game starts OR after the fourth game ends and before fifth game starts.
5.2.9. – No substitutions can be made in the middle of an ongoing match, regardless of the situation.
5.2.10. – The substituted player will not receive additional time to set up compared to the time it would have taken with the original player.

5.3. – Stand-ins
5.3.1. – By definition, a stand-in here refers to a player who hasn’t been registered to a team on the registration form but wants to play for a team after registrations close/matches commence.
5.3.2. – At LAN tournaments, the use of a stand­-in is allowed but they have to be presented and registered at the Registration Desk before they are used.
5.3.3. – The use of a stand­-in in online tournaments is strictly prohibited and is grounds for disqualification.
5.3.4. – This applies to account sharing as well. The HOK account that was used during registration should be the only one used for playing.

5.4. – Team Roster Changes
5.4.1. – Roster changes are allowed only before the first match in the tournament.
5.4.2. – After the first match, all rosters are locked and cannot be changed regardless of the situation.
5.4.3. – All roster change requests should only be sent via email to [email protected]. Roster change requests must be made at least 24 hours prior to the match time of the team’s first match in the tournament. Any late requests will not be entertained. Any requests sent via PM to referees or tournament staff will also not be considered.
5.4.4. – It is the team’s responsibility to make sure they have the necessary substitutes registered before the tournament starts.


6.1. – Both teams scheduled to play at a certain time should be present online on Discord at least 30 minutes before the scheduled start time. 

6.2. – If by 10 minutes past the scheduled match start time a team doesn’t have enough players to play in the server, the match will be deemed a walkover to the team that is present with its full roster.

6.3. – Matches should be played as 5 on 5 with 10 players. However, if a team is missing a player the match can commence shorthanded ONLY if the opposing team agrees. Only a maximum of 1 player can be missing (4 players should be present) to commence a game.

6.4. – In a best of 3 or 5 games match, a maximum delay of 10 minutes in between matches will be allowed.

6.5. – Regarding the scheduling of online matches, matches can be played on all days of the week (including public, bank. mercantile holidays, etc) and will be scheduled beforehand and announced on the relevant Draw/Schedule page on each tournament on Scheduling will be done at the discretion of IGE Staff.

6.6. – IGE will make every effort to inform the teams of scheduled match dates and times – but please note it is the responsibility of the teams to check their game time and date. IGE will not be responsible to inform matches to teams. Not attending a match due to not being informed of the schedule is NOT an excuse.


7.1. – All players should join the InGame Esports Discord Server (Link) beforehand and request to receive the relevant role from the channel #channel-name. This is mandatory for all players in every team. Players connecting should have their nicknames matching their gaming names (or gaming profile names) as submitted on the registration. 

7.2. – IGE Referees will verify the player's registration information and assign the relevant role. 

7.3. – Specific channels for the tournament will be visible once you receive the role. Teams should connect to the channel for their relevant team/match. 

7.4. – Both teams scheduled to play a match should be present online on Discord in the relevant channel at least 15 minutes before their scheduled match time. 

7.5. – After the map veto, both team captains should connect with each other and host the lobby and invite their teams and play the match.

7.6. – At the end of each match, both teams should submit the final screenshots to the assigned Discord channel (one screenshot for each team) within 30 minutes of their match being completed.


8.1. – Definition of Terms
8.1.1 - Game : A "Game" refers to a single instance of competition on the Hero's Gorge map that is played until a winner is determined by one of the following methods, whichever occurs first:
(A) Destruction of the Enemy's Crystal,
(B) Awarded Game Victory
8.1.2 - Match : A "Match" consists of a set of Games that is played until one Team wins the majority of the total Games (e.g., winning three Games in a Best-of-Five Series ("BO5")). The Team that wins the Match either earns points in a league format or advances to the next round.

8.2. – Lobby settings
The following lobby settings apply:
– Game Mode : 5v5 PVP Mode
– Game Map : Hero's Gorge
– Team Size : 5
– Spectators : Allowed only for the tournament staff

8.3. – Use of public chat 
8.3.1. – Public chat can only be used by the team captains and/or Tournament Staff regarding game pauses, disconnections, etc. Team members are allowed to greet each other at the start and end of the match on public chat (i.e: GGWP, GLHF, etc) but should avoid using it during a match. No foul language is allowed on public chat and doing so may lead to the match being awarded to the opposing team and the offending team being disqualified from the match. Penalties for future matches may also be applied.

8.4. – Suspended Accounts 
8.4.1. – Any player who loses access to their registered account due to a suspension or penalty issued by tencent in the middle of a tournament, regardless of the reasons will NOT be allowed to take part in the tournament. They will not be allowed to switch their account. The team may proceed with a Substitute player if they have one registered on their roster or if not they will have to forfeit their matches. This rule applies to online tournaments and tournaments with online qualifiers.

8.5. – Side Selections
8.4.1. – Side Selection for the first Game of each Match will be randomly determined by a coin flip. In the rest of each Match, for all Games after the first, the losing side of the previous Game will have the right of Side Selection.


8.1. – Abuses & Exploitation
Exploiting game or map bugs/glitches/flaws (“exploits”) for the purposes of gaining an unfair advantage is prohibited. Exploits that are not specifically named here are still prohibited but will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis. Tournament Staff reserve the right to decide what will be deemed as an exploit or abuse.

8.2. – Hacking
Hacking or otherwise modifying the intended behavior of the game client is prohibited.

8.3. – Scripting
The use of scripts are prohibited.

8.4. – Use of Macros
The use of macros are prohibited.

8.5. – Use of Third Party Softwares
The use of any third-party addons, hooks, programs or wrappers that interact with or alter the client, its appearance or behaviour for the purposes of gaining an unfair advantage is prohibited.

8.6. – Impersonations
Impersonating an eligible player by attempting to alias as them, using their account or by any other method is prohibited and will result in the aliasing player and the player they are aliasing as being removed from the tournament.

8.7. – In-game names
Each player must have his/her primary nickname or something very similar as his game name during all matches to be easily identifiable for referees, broadcasters, and viewers. What counts as similar is for the Tournament Staff to decide. The only additional information allowed in a player’s in­game name is clan tags or sponsor names.

8.8. – Collusion 
8.8.1. – Collusion, match fixing, bribing a referee or match official, or any other action or agreement to intentionally influence (or attempt to influence) the outcome of any match or Event.
8.8.2. – Other forms of collusion include:
– Teaming: Players working together during the match
– Planned Movement: Agreement between 2 or more opposing players to move through the map in a planned way before the match begins.
– Communication: Sending or receiving signals (both verbal and non-verbal) to communicate with opposing players.
– Item Dumping: Intentionally dropping items for an opposing player to collect.


8.1. – Lobby Hosting
All lobbies should be hosted ONLY by INGAME ESPORTS Staff. Under no circumstance should players join a lobby created by anyone else.

8.2. – Game Setup
Start of Pick / Ban Process. Once all ten players have reported to the official game lobby, a referee will request confirmation that both teams are ready for the pick/ban phase (as defined and described below). Once both teams confirm readiness, a referee will start the game.

8.3. – Restrictions on gameplay elements
Restrictions may be added at any time before or during a match, if there are known bugs with any items, Heroes, skins, emblems, or battle spells, or for any other reason as determined at the discretion of the staff.

8.4. – Spectators
Team managers/Sub players are NOT allowed in the game lobby. Random players are not permitted in the private lobby for any reason. Referees and Casters have the right to spectate any game.


9.1. – Pick & Bans
9.1.1. – Once all ten Players have joined the Official Game Room, the Referee will request confirmation that both teams are ready for the Ban and Pick (B/P) phase. The time limit for each B/P round is on the B/P Order & Time Limit Table below. Help Pick is not allowed, once both teams confirm readiness, the Referee will instruct the lobby Room to start the Game. During a consistent Game, in the event of an erroneous selection or trading of Heroes, Ban and Pick, Summoner Skill, Arcana, or pre-match setting due to Players' mistake, including but not limited to an accidental touch on the screen or failure to finish the Ban and Pick within the allotted time, the Game will continue, and the team will bear all consequences for its mistakes.

  • Four-Ban Matches B/P Order & Time Limit Table

  1. -Blue Side Pick-&-Ban time limit: 225s (30s*4+30s+30s+45s=225s)

  2. - Red Side Pick-&-Ban time limit: 270s (30s*4+30s+30s+45s+45s=270s)



Time Limit


Blue Team Ban #1



Red Team Ban #1



Blue Team Ban #2



Red Team Ban #2



Blue Team Pick #1



Red Team Pick #1&2



Blue  Team Pick #2&3



Red Team Pick #3



Red Team Ban #3



Blue Team Pick #3



Red Team Ban #4



Blue Team Ban #4



Red Team Pick #4



Blue Team Pick #4&5



Red Team Pick #5



Hero Trades


9.2. – Trading Champions
9.2.1. – Teams must complete all champion trades before the countdown ends during the Trading Phase, or will be subject to a penalty in future games.

9.3. – Pause
9.3.1. –  If it is an online match, the maximum pause time for each team during each game is 3 minutes, the Referees must pause the match as soon as a team calls for a game pause and ask for the reason for pausing. If no good reason for pausing the game can be given, the referees have the right to penalize the team which called for the pause according to severity. Acceptable reasons include, but are not limited to: Lag, software malfunction such as a glitch, phone hardware malfunction, the health of a player, referees have the final right of interpretation for what is deemed an acceptable reason. If one team has used up all of its pause time during a game but still signifies they wish to pause, the Referee must first assess the situation and decide whether they will pause the match on behalf of the officials (due to a major issue such as a phone malfunction, internet disconnection, game crash etc.), if it’s just a little bit of lag or another minor issue the Referee can refuse the player’s request to pause the game and ensure the smooth running of the match. Once the problem has been resolved, the Referee must ask all players whether they are ready or not, once all the players have agreed, the Referee can resume the match.

9.4. – Disconnects & Reconnects
9.4.1. – If a player disconnects, the game is to be paused instantly. When the number or the duration of breaks becomes too high or long, Staff reserve the right to force the continuation of the game. Tournament organizers are not allowed to take a decision in these situations.

9.5. – Controlled Game Start
9.5.1. – In the event of an error in game start or a decision by Staff to separate the pick/ban process from game start, The Referee may start the game in a controlled manner and all players will select Heroes in Custom. All players will select Heroes in accordance with the previous valid completed pick/ban process.

9.6. – Stoppage of Play
9.6.1. – If a player intentionally disconnects without notifying a referee or pausing, the referee is not required to enforce a stoppage. During any pause or stoppage, players may not leave the match area unless authorized by a referee.
9.6.2. – Directed Pause : Referees may order the pause of a match or execute a pause command on any player station at the sole discretion of the referee, at any time.

9.7. – Game of Record
– A game of record (“GOR”) refers to a game where all ten players have loaded and which has progressed to a point of meaningful interaction between opposing teams. Once a game attains GOR status, the period ends in which incidental restarts may be permitted and a game will be considered as “official” from that point onward. After the establishment of GOR, game restarts will be allowed only under limited conditions (see Section 9.4)

Examples of conditions which establish GOR:
9.7.1. Any attack or ability is landed on minions, jungle creeps, structures, or enemy heroes.
9.7.2. Line-of-sight is established between players on opposing teams.
9.7.3. Setting foot, establishing vision or targeting skillshot ability in opponent’s jungle by either team, which includes either leaving the river or entering brush connected to enemy jungle.
9.7.4. Game timer reaches Thirty Seconds (00:00:30).

9.8. – Player Pause
9.8.1 - Players may only pause a match immediately following any of the events described below, but must signal a Referee immediately after the pause and identify the reason. Acceptable reasons include:
– An Unintentional Disconnection.
– A hardware or software malfunction (e.g. monitor power or peripheral disability or game glitch)
– Physical interference with a player (e.g., fan gank or broken chair or table)

Player illness, injury, or disability is not an acceptable reason for a player pause. In such a situation, the team must alert a referee, who may in his/her sole discretion, grant a pause in order to evaluate the identified player to determine whether player is ready, willing, and able to continue playing within a reasonable period of time, as determined by the referee, but not to exceed a few minutes. If the referee determines that the identified player is not able to continue playing within such a reasonable period of time, then the identified player’s team shall forfeit the game unless a referee, in his/her discretion, determines that the game is subject to an Awarded Game Victory.

9.8.2 - Resuming the Game, Players are not permitted to resume the game after a pause. After clearance from a referee is issued and all players are notified and ready at their stations, which will be contingent on the team captain confirming through in-game chat that both teams are ready to resume play, the client spectators will unpause the game.
9.8.3 - Unauthorized Pause, If a player pauses or unpauses a game without permission from a referee, it will be considered unfair play and penalties will be applied at the discretion of INGAME ESPORTS.
9.8.4 - Resuming the Game, Under which conditions can a game be reset is entirely decided by the referee. The following conditions are examples used to illustrate:
– If a player notices that the player's emblems, battle spells or GUI settings have not applied correctly due to a bug between the game lobby and match, the player can pause the game to adjust these settings. If the settings cannot be correctly adjusted, then the game may be restarted.
– If the referee determine that technical difficulties will not allow for the game to resume as normal (including a team’s ability to be in proper position for certain game events, such as minion spawn)

9.8. – Restart Protocol
- If a game experiences a critical bug at any point during the match that significantly alters game stats or gameplay mechanics, or the external environmental conditions become untenable then a restart may occur.
- Certain circumstances must be met before a restart may occur. referees must determine that the bug is critical and verifiable.
- For the bug to be considered critical, the bug must significantly damage a player’s ability to compete in the game situation. The determination of whether the bug has damaged a player’s ability to compete is up to the sole discretion of the referees. In order for a bug to be considered verifiable, the bug must be conclusively present and not possibly attributable to player error.
- The spectator must then be able to replay the instance in question and verify the bug. If a player believes s/he has experienced a critical bug, s/he must pause the game and alert a referee in a timely fashion. If it is believed that a player is attempting to delay reporting of a bug to wait for a possible restart at a more advantageous time, then a restart will no longer be granted. If referees determine that the bug is critical and verifiable and that the player followed the pause protocol, then the disadvantaged team will be presented with the option for a restart. If the team accepts, officials will attempt to utilize the rules set in Section 9.3 to recover the game. An exception to Rule 9.3 is if the restart occurred due to a hero bug, then settings no longer will be retained (including picks and bans) regardless of Game of Record status and the hero may be made ineligible for at least the remainder of the day’s matches unless the bug can be conclusively tied to a specific game element that can be fully removed (i.e. a skin that can be disabled).
- This section is applicable if the pause is directed as per Section 9.3 and does not limit the ability of an referee to institute a restart.

9.9. – Awarded Game Victory
9.9.1 - In the event of a technical difficulty which leads referees to declare a restart, INGAME ESPORTS may instead award a game victory to a team. Referees, in their sole discretion, may determine that a team cannot avoid defeat to a degree of reasonable certainty. The following criteria may be used as reference for determining this acknowledgement, if the two criteria are not satisfied, one team’s victory is unable to be directly determined, however, if one of the criteria has been satisfied the referee will use their own judgment according to the situation to determine whether one team would be inevitably defeated.
9.9.2 - A game has been played for more than 10 minutes on the game clock while gold difference is more than 800*gaming time.

9.10 – Determining the Better Seed
9.10.1. – The “better seed” refers to who starts the map-veto/pick process.
9.10.2. – For online tournaments, the “better seed” means the team mentioned first on the match page or bracket list posted. For example: if a match is between Team A vs Team B, Team A will be considered the “better seed”.


10.1. – Matches will be streamed and broadcasted at the discretion of IGE. Players cannot refuse to have their matches broadcasted by IGE or any authorised broadcasted, nor can they choose in what manner the match will be broadcasted.

10.2. – Personal streaming is not allowed unless otherwise explicitly permitted by IGE. Any player who wishes to do a personal stream should speak to IGE Support and get it approved. Any player found to be streaming a match personally without the permission of IGE can be disqualified.

10.3. – Any official tournament streams will be delayed (approximately 2-5 minutes) to avoid player sniping. Teams that are found to be abusing a tournament stream/s will be disqualified immediately and the team will face severe penalties including bans.


11.1. – General Player Penalties
Violation of the rules or failure to comply with IGE Staff in any of the above situations will lead to penalties as mentioned in each rule. Depending on the severity of the offense, levels of penalties may be skipped. For all situations not listed above, the following general penalties will apply.
11.1.1. – Warning:
– A warning maybe issued for minor breaches of rules by any IGE Staff.
– In the event of three warnings being accumulated by a team/player, they may be disqualified from the the tournament.
11.1.2. – Game Loss:
– A game loss may be forced on a team/player depending on the breach of rule.
– A game loss means that the team/player loses the current game no matter what the ingame result is. The win would be awarded to the opponent instead.
11.1.3. – Disqualifications:
– A team/player may face disqualification from the tournament due to breach of rules.
– When a team/player is disqualified, they will not be able to proceed in the bracket.
11.1.4. – No Show:
– A team/player that registers for the tournament and doesn’t show up for a match or pulls out of the tournament will be considered “no show”.
– In the bracket however, the scheduled match would be considered a walkover.
– Special rules are in place for teams/players awarding walkovers during semifinals and final rounds.
11.1.5. – Ban:
– In extreme circumstances, a team/player might be banned from the ongoing tournament.
– Based on the severity of the violation this ban might extend to future IGE tournaments.

11.2. – Penalties on Player Conduct
Players who are caught swearing or behaving in a hostile manner towards their opponents or staff will be issued with a warning and suitable penalty (eg: draft penalty in Dota 2, etc) upon their first infraction. Continued infractions will result in the following: forfeiture of a ban upon the second incident and forfeiture of the match upon the third incident.

11.3. – Penalties on Unprofessional Behavior
Players who are caught throwing a match, halting play without cause or showing a flagrant lack of effort will be issued with a warning and suitable penalty (eg: draft penalty in Dota 2, etc) upon their first infraction. Continued infractions will result in the following: forfeiture of a ban upon the second incident and forfeiture of the match upon the third incident.


Disputes at the tournament must be first made to the IGE Staff and thereafter they will escalate it as necessary. If there was no response to your dispute then you may get in touch with IGE Support via email on [email protected].


Any player or team who feels that a IGE Staff (Referee, Caster or Ops Staff) acted in a manner contrary to the spirit of the game and lacking professionalism, they may report such instances directly to the IGE Management. Please email such instances to [email protected] with all the details surrounding the situation. All reports will be kept confidential and the Administration will get in touch directly to discuss the matter further.


IGE reserves the right to use the name, tag, likeness, video, game play statistics, and/or gaming account ID of any player, for publicity purposes prior to, during, or after the tournament/event end date, in any media, throughout the world, in perpetuity, for any purpose including but not limited to, advertising, marketing and promoting the tournament/event and future tournaments. For a full understanding of what this means please refer to the Player Appearance Release.


IGE reserves the right to ignore or overrule any of the above-mentioned rules in order to make the competition as fair as possible. Teams and participants acknowledge the right for IGE to modify the rules and regulations as and when needed. Such modifications need not necessarily be publicly announced during the progress of a tournament.


No person/s shall hold IGE or its staff (including referees, casters and event staff), sponsors and partners liable in any manner whatsoever for any circumstance or situation arising from or at any of our events including but not limited to acts beyond its control, including without limitation, acts of God, acts or regulations of any governmental or supra-national authority, war, terrorist activities or national emergency, accident, fire, lightning, riot, civil commotion, explosions, strikes, lockouts, industrial disputes or epidemics.


Legal proceedings are not permitted.


The content of protests, discussions or any other correspondence with IGE referees, officials and administrators are deemed strictly confidential. The publication of such material is prohibited without a written consent from IGE administration.


IGE or its staff, partners or sponsors are not responsible for any additional agreements, nor do they agree to enforce any such agreements made between individual players or teams. The IGE administration highly discourages such agreements taking place, and such agreements that are contradicting any rules set here are under no circumstances allowed.


IGE or its staff, partners or sponsors are not responsible for any additional agreements, nor do they agree to enforce any such agreements made between individual players or teams. The IGE administration highly discourages such agreements taking place, and such agreements that are contradicting any rules set here are under no circumstances allowed.